Volume 1 | Issue 3

October 2020



“Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. ~ Malala Yousafzai

EVERYTHING’S COMING UP FALL!  Shorter days, longer nights….curling up with a hot cup of cocoa, coffee, tea, and reading a great book. The perfect evening for many of us! At CCLC, we want to make sure more people have that opportunity. We continue to do our part to ensure that happens.  See what’s going on this month!

We launched our new website on September 1st! We hope you have had time to visit and explore. Your feedback is valuable, so please let us know what you think of the new format, and if there is anything you might like to see on the website going forward.


CCLC partnered with the Judy Center at a drive-thru Harvest Fest on Saturday, October 3rd, held at Dr. Mudd Elementary School in Waldorf.  It was a great success! We were able to reach 55 families, handing out 100 CCLC color-changing cups containing snacks, masks, and brochures to adults and children. The weather was perfect and the energy high! Thank you Judy Center for the opportunity to work together and show support for our community!

CCLC Monthly Meeting

CCLC Monthly Meeting

CCLC will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 via Zoom, at 7:00 p.m.  We will discuss issues related to our tutors, the Charitable Trust, and how CCLC will conduct business in the coming months due to COVID-19 restrictions. Connection instructions will be sent out via email the day of the meeting.

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update


Many businesses have reopened with limited capacity, masks required.  At CCLC, we are still open for business and continue to primarily work remotely.  We can now use the United Way conference room with strict protocol measures.  You can contact us Mon-Thurs., between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm  The best contact method is via email at charlescountyliteracy@gmail.com.

CCLC received lots of PPE equipment (masks, wipes, gloves and shields) from both the local and federal government. We have these items at our office should you need anything. Please let us know in advance when/if you need to come by for equipment.

CCLC Money

CCLC Grant News

The Charitable Trust has been awarded stewardship of the CARES Funds grants for Charles County. They will be distributing the $400,000 to various non profits in Charles County (see article in the Maryland Independent issued Friday, October 2, 2020). CCLC is eligible to apply for up to $6500 to cover revenue losses and unanticipated expenses related to the pandemic. 

Tutor News

Our next tutor workshop will be held in November in two modules. The first module will be held via Zoom on Wednesday and Thursday, November 11 and 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The second module will be held in person on Saturday, November 14th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., in the conference room at the United Way House in La Plata. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, PPE will be provided on-site, and social distancing measures will be in effect. For further information, please send an email to charlescountyliteracy@comcast.org.

TUTOR HOURS!! Please remember to submit your tutor hours! The form can be found on our website when you click HERE.

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