Q:? How much do students have to pay for tutoring?
A: All tutoring services are provided free of charge. All students are assessed first before being assigned a tutor. There is a $20 assessment fee required, which can be waived if the need exists.
Q:? How often will I be meeting with my tutor?
A: A typical tutoring schedule would have you meeting with your tutor weekly for at least one hour, but more if you and your tutor are able to coordinate your schedules. In addition to in-class time, you should plan to allocate some time each week for homework, just as your tutor is allocating time to prep for your lessons.
Q: What programs do you offer to students?
A: All students are paired with one of our tutors and assigned to one of the following programs:
- ABE – Adult Basic Education: reading, writing and/or basic math
- ASVAB prep – Military entrance exam
- GED/NEDP prep – General Educational Diploma/National External Diploma Program
- ESOL – English to Speakers of Other Languages Click HERE for more information on our programs.
Q:? Where do we meet for tutoring sessions?
A: Tutoring is done in a public place mutually agreed upon by the student and tutor. The library, Starbucks, BAM, and Panera are all options. During the pandemic, most tutoring is being done remotely with FaceTime, GoogleDuo, Zoom, etc.
Q:? How do I become a student?
A: First, you contact the office. At that time our Program Coordinator will explain our program to you. The next step will be to schedule an initial meeting to assess your current skill level and discuss your educational goals. There may be a waiting list for tutors. If not, you will be assigned one promptly.
Q:? Does the CCLC provide textbooks and other learning materials?
A: Yes, the CCLC provides all textbooks and learning materials for students and tutors free of charge.
Q:? When is tutoring available?
A: Tutoring sessions are held at the best time for both the student and tutor. For some student/tutor pairs the best time to meet is during the day and for other pairs it is during the evening.
Q:? Can you help me get my GED?
A: While we do not offer a formal GED program, we can help you with your reading and math levels which will prepare you for the entrance test for the GED program offered through the College of Southern Maryland.
Q:? Can you help me achieve my goal of U.S. citizenship?
A: Yes, we can help prepare you to take the citizenship tests.